Facts and figures
In 2023, noticeably more students older than twenty-five registered again. This is evident from the figures from the October 2023 census of the Council of Flemish Universities of Applied Sciences and Arts. The conclusion: there is more attention for lifelong learning. And that is important in a rapidly changing knowledge society.
Every student in the right place, from day one, that should be a shared goal. We must also dare to take a critical look at the entire orientation and information process for prospective students."

Five levers, one action plan
We want to create even more value with universities of applied sciences and arts. Boosting Flanders. And develop every talent: at their own pace, regardless of group or age. Our goal? A higher education diploma for half of 25 to 34-year-olds in 2027. A higher education diploma for more lateral entrants.
Yes! We can. Thanks to this strategic plan: five clear policy themes with specific challenges and concrete actions. Ready to use – you're welcome, dear politicians.
The Council of Flemish Universities of Applied Sciences and Arts issues different publications on a regular basis. After all, these printable and digital publications are means of reaching all stakeholders. This way, the Council of Flemish Universities of Applied Sciences and Arts brings its advice and positions to life.